TDK Corporation introduces two new NTC thermistors designed for precise temperature measurement in automotive and industrial environments. The L862 and L871 series operate across a temperature range of -40°C to +155°C, with power dissipation rated at 60 mW at room temperature. The L862 features a 2.6 x 6.5 mm sensor element with silver-plated nickel wire […]
What is negative temperature coefficient?
A negative temperature coefficient (NTC) refers to any physical value that decreases as the temperature increases or vice versa. In electronics, NTC usually refers to a material’s decreasing resistance as the temperature rises. This article examines how NTC device performance is quantified and compares with other technologies like resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) and positive temperature […]
FAQ on thermistors for temperature sensing
The thermistor is a widely used temperature sensor and an attractive alternative to thermocouples and RTDs — but only in some applications. Temperature is the most commonly assessed and measured physical parameter if you add all the consumer, industrial, commercial, medical, food-related, product tests and measurements and other places where it needs to be sensed. […]
How many ways are there to measure temperature?
Temperature is the most commonly measured physical quantity. Thermometry, the measurement of temperature, involves a wide range of technologies. Its uses range from maintaining a comfortable and safe environment for people to industrial processes operating at over 3,000 °C and quantum computing operating at near absolute zero. This article reviews some of the more common […]
What’s the difference between 2-, 3-, & 4-wire RDT sensing?
The difference is measurement accuracy. Using 2-wire resistance temperature detector (RTD) sensing provides good accuracy (maybe), the accuracy of 3-wire sensing is better, and 4-wire sensing provides the best accuracy. In addition, there’s the option of using Wheatstone bridge topologies to improve the performance of 2- and 3-wire RDTs. This FAQ begins with a review […]
How can printed temperature sensors address a variety of applications?
With printed temperature sensors poised to grow substantially over the next decade, this seems like a very appropriate question. Based on nanostructured silicon composite inks, PST Sensors (of South Africa) thin film printed and flexible temperature sensors are available in a suite of temperature sensing systems. Its silicon nanoparticle negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor can […]
What is the difference between an NTC and a PTC thermistor?
Both negative temperature coefficient (NTC) and positive temperature coefficient (PTC) thermistors’ values change with temperature but impact their use differently. As temperature increases, NTC thermistors’ resistance drops from high to low, allowing current to pass through. In a circuit, they can limit in-rush current by self-heating when current is initially applied and then allow normal […]
How can the new temperature-sensitive COVID-19 vaccines’ temperatures be ensured?
The newly developed COVID-19 vaccines require low temperature storage to ensure their efficacy. For the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) specifically states that it should be stored in an ultra-cold freezer, thermal shipping container or refrigerator. The ultra-cold freezer’s temperature should be maintained between -80°C and -60°C (-112°F and […]
How can data loggers help ensure food and beverage safety?
Just about all areas of the food and beverage industry including commercial kitchens, transportation, storage or food service, require temperature and often humidity monitoring to ensure that the product has been kept within an acceptable range to avoid contamination and bacteria growth. The technology requirements are essentially the same for the sensor in each of […]
How can you get digital temperature data?
At Sensors Expo 2018, Mike Mays from Analog Devices explains the LTC2983, a temperature to bits IC. The IC is designed to be extremely easy to use part. Everything necessary to measure temperature is performed by the chip and its output is in direct degrees C. In the display, an “EMI (electromagnetic interference) Hairball from […]