When established products evolve to address additional market requirements customers usually benefit. This is certainly the case for sensor users that need an absolute rotary encoder to work in a harsh environment. Building on its ISA and IHA 600 series of absolute rotary encoders, Leine & Linde introduced the IXA 600 stainless steel model that is also based on inductive scanning technology. These encoders can be subjected to saltwater, acids, or other aggressive cleaning solvents. Available in both solid and hollow shaft configurations, the enclosure, flange and shaft of the encoders are all made of stainless steel material. For more information about the Leine & Linde IXA 600 absolute rotary encoders, click here or contact Bob Setbacken at HEIDENHAIN at 805-562-1160 or e-mail at bsetbacken@heidenhain.com.