DunAn Sensing has announced the availability of its CDC (Ceramic Diaphragm Core) Series of harsh media compatible pressure transducers. The CDC pressure transducers use DunAn Sensing’s proprietary unique design of an Al2O3 ceramic diaphragm with thick film resistors and an ASIC to digitally trim for compensation and calibration. The pressure transducer provides highly accurate pressure measurements at pressures up to 3000 psi. Its small size, high-accuracy and low-cost make it ideally suited for space-limited and demanding harsh media applications including water and refrigerants.
The CDC Series is a ceramic packaged button module…a.k.a. “Core”. The Core utilizes a media compatible packaging strategy for media contact with the ceramic diaphragm sensor thus eliminating the contact of any electrical signals to the media which also enhances reliability and the ability to operate in conductive media. DunAn Sensing’s approach significantly enables embedding the transducer into the OEM’s product without giving up performance and reliability and all at a reduced cost.
This packaging approach provides improved performance and lower price over those typically larger competitors products which use an oil-filled cavity and a metallic diaphragm. Signal conditioning for the pressure measurement and performance compensation is provided by an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) mounted on a PCB.
The DunAn Sensing CDC Series is available in seven pressure ranges from 0-150 to 0-3000 psi in gage format providing flexibility to address a wide number of applications. Device accuracy at 25-degree C (combined linearity, hysteresis and repeatability) is +/- 0.5% span. Accuracy over the 0-degree C to 80-degree C is +/- 1.0% span and from -40-degree C to +125-degree C is +/- 2.0 % of span. The guaranteed proof pressure of 2X rated pressure and burst pressure of 3X rated pressure insures trouble- free operation in the most demanding applications. These devices will provide OEMs with superior reliability, accuracy and affordability. Their extended temperature range of -40-degree C to +125-degree C, rugged hostile media package and lowest price in the industry are ideal for applications including pumps, hydraulics, pneumatics, valves and hand-held measurement devices.
The finished Core is 18 mm. in diameter by 6.35 mm. high making it ideal for space-limited applications where a high performance/low cost solution is required. The output signal level is a Ratio Metric 0.5 to 4.5V with 5V input.
The DunAn Sensing CDC Series unit price is $48.19 in quantities from 1-499. Evaluation units are available from stock.