According to a new report from Databeans, the sensors and MEMS market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 9% over the next five years. The report authors attribute this growth to higher consuming applications emerging from the communications market, such as smartphones, new computing devices like tablet PCs, and the […]
Market Research
Sensor Market Grows with Consumer and Automotive Demands
Market research firm Databeans forecasts the sensors and MEMs market to reach $19.1 billion by 2016 with a 10% compound annual growth rate. Driven by strong growth trends in consumer and automotive applications, the consumer segment is forecasted to increase to $853 million by the end of 2012 and automotive to $203 million. Different forces […]
Sensing Functions to Increase in Smartphones
ABI Research says that by 2013, 85% of smartphones will ship with GPS, over 50% will ship with accelerometers and almost 50% will have gyroscopes. A sensor-driven user interface (UI) will be an increasing theme in the next wave of mobile UI innovation. This will turn objects, locations, and people into networked, interactive elements according […]
MEMS Report Projects Enthusiasm for the Future and Includes Sensor Analysis
Many sensors use microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology. Yole Developpement’s recently released “Status of the MEMS industry 2010” report provides an update on gyroscopes , accelerometers, pressure sensors and more. The report analyzes the evolution of the industry from the manufacturing and innovation points of views, and the strategies of the main players. The report includes […]
Reverse Engineering Process & Costing Analysis of the STMicroelectronics 3-Axis Accelerometer
Finding out how a particular sensor is constructed can provide some helpful information, especially for a competitor. However, potential users may also want to know more about what is inside a sensor that they are considering – before they decide to purchase it. For STMicroelectronics LIS331DLH 3-Axis Accelerometer, Yole Developpement has just published a reverse […]
Yole Développement Sees Double Digit Growth for MEMS & Sensors
Yole Développement, a market research and business development consulting company, expects the market for MEMS & sensors in cell phones to experience double digit growth, expanding from $3.5B in 2009 to $7.9B in 2015. For those in terested in this growth, Yole Développement is presenting a free of charge webinar on MEMS & Sensors for cell […]
IC Insights Says Image Sensors will Grow 31% in 2010
With growth of 31% in 2010, image sensor devices will reach a record high of $8.5 billion in 2010 according to a new report from IC Insights. Driven by applications for CMOS-based devices, that are projected at 61% of sales, the remaining 39% will come from charge-coupled devices (CCDs). The increased demand is expected from […]
Automotive MEMS Sensor Forecast from iSuppli
Microelectromechanical (MEMS) sensors are used extensively in automotive applications but like everything else automotive, 2009 was not a good year. Richard Dixon of iSuppli forecasts that global shipments of automotive MEMS sensors will reach 591.2 million units in 2010, up 13.5% from 502.0 million in 2009. The second half will be up from the first […]
Yole Developpement Forecasts Growth for MEMS & Sensors in Smartphones
At mid-year 2010, it’s time for market research companies to reaffirm or reevaluate their positions and forecasts for 2010. Here is the first of three newly released reports that involve sensors. In the report “MEMS & Sensors for Smartphones,” Yole Developpement predicts double digit growth for MEMS & sensors for cell phones, expanding from $3.5B […]