Today with LiDAR included as one of the potential sensing technologies, low-level fusion still seems to be a popular design approach.
What is a Ting sensor?
While the fires were still spreading in Los Angeles, investigators were busy exploring possible reasons for the fires and looking for indicators that could have provided more advanced warnings. Sensors always play an essential role in any advanced or real-time warning system. The more obvious sensor requirements/possibilities for wildfires include: Wind direction and speed Water […]
What is a balometer and what does it do?
To ensure and verify the efficient airflow in the ducts and the optimum distribution (balance) of airflow in a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system, a technician would use a balometer – a type of airflow meter. This tool/instrument measures several airflow parameters from diffusers and grilles. With this data, the HVAC technician can […]
How will neurotechnology and sensing impact automotive: part 2
Neuro data provides a level of insight into the driver’s condition and cognitive state that is not possible with a driver-facing camera.
How will neurotechnology and sensing impact automotive: part 1
EEG sensing can improve driving safety.
What’s new in sensors for smart homes: part 3
Air quality sensors have been measuring and monitoring outdoor air quality applications for many years. More recently, they have been used more frequently for indoor applications in smart homes and connect to the home’s Wi-Fi network. One of the more unique sensed items is radon. Similar to other harmful gases, people cannot see or smell […]
What’s new in sensors for smart homes: part 2
As noted in Part 1, some of the latest offerings for smart home sensors are based on sensor integration, technology, and connectivity. However, identified needs have created new applications that were not possible, simply not considered, or only offered for businesses — until recently. For example, the smart shelf was offered to retailers over 20 […]
What’s new in sensors for smart homes: part 1
In Cognitive Market Research’s recently published 7th edition of Home Smart Sensors Market Report 2024, the report’s author says the global home smart sensors market will witness significant growth soon. In addition to sensors for heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems and lighting systems, sensors for safety and security are specifically addressed in the […]
How does ASIL SEooC affect sensors?
Automotive systems that impact safety require adherence to the automotive functional safety standard — ISO 26262. Those electronic and electrical systems that are interlinked to use the input from one sensor to provide different functions in the automobile and minimize system cost, have additional safety considerations. To ensure proper and verified capability, the hardware (HW), software […]
What role does sensing play in detecting and analyzing garbage in the world’s oceans?
If you were not previously aware of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP), viewing “Under Paris,” when it streamed on Netflix in the summer of 2024, provided painful awareness of a serious and growing problem — even though the movie was fantasy. “Under Paris” garnered over 69.6 million views in its premiere in June, making […]