The term glaucoma is used to describe a group of eye diseases. In addition to damaging the eye’s optic nerve, glaucoma can result in vision loss and even blindness. About 3 million Americans have glaucoma, but the disease affects more than 67 million people worldwide and is the second leading cause of blindness. Glaucoma occurs […]
Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
What quantum sensors can be used as GPS replacements?
There’s a variety of quantum sensors available for use as a global positioning system (GPS) replacement including quantum compasses, atomic gyroscopes, and atom interferometers. Several options for a quantum GPS replacement, also called quantum position sensing (QPS), are being developed. Three examples include quantum active navigation that overlays and supplements existing satellite-based GPS systems, quantum […]
How does a quantum radar sensor work?
It generates quantum entanglement between a microwave resonator and a signal that is emitted toward a target and can theoretically make radar detection up to four times faster in scenarios with comparable signal power and target noise. It also reduces susceptibility to jamming. A microwave quantum radar begins with a stream of entangled visible-frequency photons […]
How can quantum sensors and quantum batteries improve electric vehicle operation?
In the near term, quantum sensors are being developed that can more accurately measure EV battery capacity, assess battery safety, and reduce vehicle weight. In the longer term, quantum batteries have been proposed that could dramatically improve the speed and efficiency of battery charging. The energy remaining in an EV battery has been estimated using […]
What are the seven types of quantum sensors?
The seven types of quantum sensors include chemical sensors, clocks, gravimeters, imaging, interferometers, magnetometers, and thermometers. Several types of quantum sensors are already in use, and more are being developed for commercialization. They can be used in a wide variety of applications from earth sciences to molecular biology and wide band gap power semiconductors. Chemical […]
What technologies are used to make quantum sensors?
Quantum sensors rely on quantum mechanical principles like entanglement, interference (also called superposition), discrete quantum states, and coherence. They are unlike quantum computers, which need highly stable environments for operation. Some quantum sensors can operate at room temperature. As a result, quantum computers are still a work in progress, while quantum sensors are used today. […]
How is sensor fusion used in medicine?
Sensor fusion is most frequently discussed in smartphone and automotive control applications. However, the fusion aspect was initially created for military analysis. From the analysis standpoint, for improved decision-making, medical applications can and have benefited from sensor fusion. One example is in cancer detection and focused surgery. Specifically, the detection of and surgery for prostate […]
How do diffuse, retroreflective, and through-beam ultrasonic sensors differ?
Ultrasonic frequencies are above the human audio range — higher than 20 kHz. Operating in this frequency range, ultrasonic sensors are commonly used for measuring proximity (distance), determining the level in storage tanks, detecting objects, and more. Ultrasonic sensors provide a non-contact sensing technique by measuring the time it takes for sound to travel to […]
How will sensors be used to increase warehouse automation?
Many of today’s warehouses have been or are in the process of transitioning from strictly a manual or conventional warehouse to a partially and eventually a fully automated warehouse. Depending on the level of sophistication, any automated process requires a variety of sensing technologies. Research from one company predicts that over 75% of companies will […]
What sensors are used to monitor volcanoes?
Monitoring volcanoes is complex, and it’s an important activity to ensure public safety in many areas of the world. It involves monitoring ground deformations, earthquakes and vibrations, volcanic gas, rock and water chemistry, and remote sensing from satellites. Volcano monitoring needs to be implemented on a continuous basis or in near-real-time and is an extreme […]