Gaming, virtual e-Commerce, 3D online education: Augmented Reality (AR) applications with three-dimensional depth sensors link the real with the digital world and are strongly demanded. Infineon Technologies AG and pmdtechnologies developed a 3D depth sensor based on the Time of Flight (ToF)-technology which outperforms other solutions in the market and aims for target applications that offer […]
How does sensor fusion improve an alarm system?
At Sensors Expo 2019, Tanja Hofner, a Principal Hardware Engineer for RF and Sensors in Infineon’s Power Management and Multimarket segment explains the operation of the company’s Integrated Alarm System demo. The demo uses two Infineon sensors: the digital XENSIV IM69D130 microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) microphone and a DPS310 digital barometric pressure sensor as well as […]
What’s missing from many smart homes today?
In the home of the future, many different types of sensors will allow the owner and authorized users to activate several functions remotely. To avoid unauthorized users from accessing these systems and even gaining entry into the home, security must be designed in. At Sensors Expo 2019 in San Jose, Steve Hanna from Infineon who […]
Sensors in the driving seat
Advances in sensor technology help make autonomous vehicles safe and reliable. RALF BORNEFELD | Infineon Technologies Many drivers on today’s roads are already supported by advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) for functions such as parking assist, cruise control and automated lighting. Now, more intelligent and connected environmental sensors are making autonomous vehicles the next logical step […]
Virtual reality comes to smartphones with 3d sensor chips
In the future, mobile devices will be able to quickly and realistically detect their surroundings in three dimensions (3D). When they do, it will be thanks to the 3D image sensor chips from Infineon Technologies AG and pmdtechnologies gmbh. REAL3 will enable extremely realistic virtual and augmented reality game experiences that involve the interaction of […]
Kostal and Infineon Equip the Car with 6th Sense for Increased Traffic Safety
Throughout Europe 25,700 people were killed on the roads last year – an average of 70 traffic fatalities a day. Most of these accidents happened because the motorists weren’t paying attention. A new system has been designed to assist the driver and significantly reduce the number of accidents. At the 2015 International Motor Show (IAA), […]
Using Integrated Giant Magnetoresistance Sensors for EVs and HEVs
At the SAE Hybrid Vehicle Technologies Symposium in Anaheim, CA, Dusan Gravoc, senior manager and Head of Product Marketing for Infineon Technologies AG shows how an iGMR sensing IC can replace incremental encoders and resolvers in electric and hybrid vehicles. Infineon’s TLE5012 is housed in a small SO-8 package that targets integration in electrically commutated […]